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Utah's Leading Edge Practice for Holistic Mental Health

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Optimize is a unique player in the mental health industry. Here we take a personalized and integrative approach to treating mental health that will leave you feeling stronger and healthier than ever before. We provide a variety of treatment options when it comes to managing mental health and well-being. Make the positive lifestyle change you’ve been wanting; see what Optimize has to offer you.

Symptoms Treated

Attention issues are something that many people struggle with. They can even cost some people their job or educational endeavors. Some people are able to control their symptoms with behavioral modifications only, but others need a little more help. At Optimize Health and Wellness, we strive to get get your brain functioning at its optimal level through personalized testing and treatment plans that are tailored to your individual needs. 

Anxiety is a healthy part of our everyday life. It helps keep us safe when there is an apparent danger present. But when anxiety keeps us from doing the things we need to do in life, that is when it becomes a problem. Here at Optimize Health and Wellness, we want you to be stronger than your anxiety and be able to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy anxiety. Find out about our testing and treatment options to optimize your anxiety

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Depression is a condition that is all too common today. Having highs and lows in mood is a normal and healthy part of life, but when the lows prevent you from doing the things you love in life, that's when it becomes time to intervene. At Optimize Health and Wellness, we have a variety of testing and treatment options that can get to the bottom of what is causing your depression and find a way to get rid of it and prevent it from coming back.

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The Optimize Journey


Kelsey Furr is a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner and has a passion for helping people optimize their health. With over 10 years of experience in health care, she knows that there are better ways to improve your health. She thrives on taking a deep dive into peoples' overall health and finding the root cause of their symptoms. She is eager to help you succeed in achieving your optimal health and wellness.


Saratoga Springs, Utah

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